
Q&A With RARE-X Disease Data Platform Founder, Nicole Boice

The nonprofit RARE-X is creating an easily-accessible, centralized data hub for all rare disease patient data that can help researchers answer questions about existing disorders, discover new ones, and work toward finding treatments. It was spun out of the work that Nicole Boice, founder and chief engagement officer of…

Rare Disease Day Events Bring Awareness, Equity to Patients

Since 2008, Rare Disease Day — the last day of February — has brought together patients, caregivers, family members, friends, and advocates from around the world to raise awareness and improve equity for the more than 7,000 known rare diseases that affect more than 300 million people. In 2022, the…

More Springtime Light Exposure, Better Sleep With Scenesse: Study

Adults with erythropoietic protoporphyria (EPP) treated with Scenesse (afamelanotide) spent more time exposed to light in springtime, experienced less pain, and slept better, according to a small case-controlled study. These patients, who experience skin hypersensitivity to sunlight, tolerated increased broad-spectrum white light exposure in the spring months, the…

United Porphyrias Association Launches, Will Advocate for Patients

The porphyria community has a new patient advocacy organization in the United Porphyrias Association (UPA), a newly launched nonprofit that seeks to advance disease awareness, as well as research and treatment development. The Maryland-based organization will strive to enhance patients’ lives through improved diagnostics, porphyria management, and an emphasis…

Case of PCT With Ocular Symptoms Described in Report From India

The case of a man with porphyria cutanea tarda (PCT) that damaged his eyes — a rare manifestation of the disease that progressed to the point that it threatened his eyesight — was described in a report from India. The report, “Sight-threatening progressive corneo-scleral involvement in porphyria…