
AHP Patients Experience Chronic Symptoms Between Attacks, Study Says

Patients with acute hepatic porphyria (AHP) who suffer from recurrent attacks also experience significant chronic symptoms between attacks, according to results of a new study. The study, “­­Disease Manifestations of Patients with Recurrent Acute Hepatic Porphyria (AHP) and Daily Life Impacts in EXPLORE International, Prospective, Natural History Study,” was…

Givosiran Treatment Leads to 74% Drop in Acute Hepatic Porphyria Attacks, Phase 3 Data Show

Treatment with investigational RNA-based therapy givosiran can safely reduce the annual incidence of acute hepatic porphyria (AHP) attacks, according to final results from a Phase 3 clinical trial. These positive results from the ENVISION trial are intended to support the application for regulatory approval that givosiran’s manufacturer Alnylam Pharmaceuticals is planning…

Two Previously Unknown Mutations Identified in Rare Case of Harderoporphyria

Researchers identified two previously unknown mutations in the coproporphyrinogen oxidase (CPOX) gene as the underlying cause of a rare form of hereditary coproporphyria, called harderoporphyria, in a 78-year old man. The study, “Harderoporphyria: Case of lifelong photosensitivity associated with T compound heterozygous coproporphyrinogen oxidase (CPOX) mutations“ was published in the…

Givosiran Cuts Rate of Attacks in Acute Hepatic Porphyria, Trial Shows

Alnylam Pharmaceuticals has announced that its investigational therapy givosiran achieved the primary efficacy and the majority of secondary endpoints in the ENVISION Phase 3 trial with acute hepatic porphyria patients. Treatment with givosiran significantly reduced the annualized rate of porphyria attacks requiring hospitalization, urgent healthcare visits, or hemin administration at home…